Healing Your Trauma


You have an opportunity to heal the physical, psychological and emotional trauma you have experienced in your lifetime as a child and as an adult.

Healing trauma in this lifetime will heal your current life and your subsequent lifetimes will be free from these traumas.

Healing Your Trauma

with Ros Place

Healing your Trauma with your Light Body is facilitated through the 5 layers of trauma:


1. Genetic trauma, that is passed on through your DNA and family bloodline. 

Heal the chronic illnesses or diseases that interrupt your pure, pristine and healed genetic inheritance. Creating a pure, pristine and healed genetic legacy.


2. Generational trauma, that is inherited through normalised belief systems, conditioning and programming from generation to generation. 

Heal the behaviours, cycles and patterns that interrupt pure, pristine and healed generational inheritance. Creating a pure, pristine and healed generational legacy.


3. Gestational trauma, that is transferred by the mother through the powerful conductor of amniotic fluid in the womb. 

Heal the stressors, health conditions, events or incidents that interrupt pure, pristine and healed gestational inheritance. Creating a pure, pristine and healed gestational legacy.


4. Past life trauma, that is held inside your cells telling old stories and giving rise to unexplained and unhelpful fears and blocks. 

Heal the fear relating to any events or situations that interrupt pure, pristine and healed past life inheritance. Creating a pure, pristine and healed past life legacy.

5. Accumulated traumathat is the build-up of all traumatic events, experiences, incidents or situations in your life that paralyse your forward movement in life. 

Heal the wounds or pain that interrupt the pure, pristine and healed lifetime inheritance that was always intended for you. Creating a pure, pristine and healed lifetime legacy.


All of these traumas are passed on and repeated in your next lifetime unless healed in this lifetime. To say nothing of the constant suffering they cause you in your daily life.


One layer of trauma at a time your trauma is deeply and thoroughly healed.


First conscious trauma is healed through each of the 5 trauma layers. Once this is complete, unconscious trauma is healing through each of the 5 trauma layers.


We begin with the first layer of trauma which is genetic and proceed to heal each layer, generational and so on to return once again to the first layer, this time healing unconscious trauma.


Finally, all accumulated trauma is healed.


The trauma healing process takes place privately 1:1 over a graceful healing period.  


You and I will connect through 12 hours of 1:1 sessions.


You will receive meditations to support your healing process.


You will receive an open video feature to share your experiences and ask me questions at any time. It’s so simple to use and very personal - I will reply within 24 hours.


Sleep healing will be facilitated to experience exquisite healing while you are fully rested.


This degree of healing work has the potential to be a completely transformative experience for the now you, the future you and all those who are to follow the healing path you are creating.


If you’d like to find out more, and communicate privately with me about your trauma, please click here.  


We can begin when you are ready.


With love always,


Ros & Tressarn xx  


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