What If You Could Channel Your Guardian Angel
to ask important questions and
get instant answers back
all from the comfort of your home and
in just 30 minutes a day?
Discover the Proven Step-By-Step Course to
Channel Your Guardian Angel
So You Can Live Your True Life Purpose
I'm Ros!
Hi, I’m Ros! I help women to channel their guardian angels so they can live their true life purpose.
I was born a guardian angel channel into a family of muggles. My guardian angel, Tressarn, showed me how to channel my way out of homelessness, and into my true life purpose and a life of impact and helping others.
Tressarn and I have a mission to help as many women as possible to channel their guardian angels, so they can live their true life purpose too.
Do You Wish You Knew Your True Path?
Your true path is the path that leads you only to good things in your life.
And the good news is that your guardian angel is the key. Your guardian angel knows your true path in life and is ready to help you to live your true, amazing life purpose.
Your guardian angel is ready to connect with you and give you the step-by-step instructions you need to live your true purpose in life.
Do You Wish You Had Clear Step-by-Step Instructions?
When you channel your guardian angel you ask important questions and get instant answers back every day.
Together with your guardian angel, you simply follow their step-by-step guidance to create the life you love.
You receive clear instructions from your guardian angel about each step and you are shown exactly what to do next for the best outcome.
Are You Passionate About Living the Life You Came Here to Live?
Your true purpose is the life that brings you the most joy and happiness and contributes most positively to your own life and the lives of those you care for.
Your true, amazing life purpose is waiting for you, no matter how life has been until now, no matter your age or your situation in life.
You can live the life you came here for even if you’ve never connected with your guardian angel before. Even if you’ve never channelled before, our method gives you everything you need to live your true purpose in life.
Before the Channel of Clarity method with Tressarn, my guardian angel, I stood before a shipping container in a field in the South of England, filled to the rafters with our worldly possessions. We had lost our family home and the life we had worked so hard to create. It was crushing and painful.
Despite knowing my purpose in life I had turned my back on it and the result was disastrous.
There is a saying that ‘Knowledge is power.” I disagree. Knowledge, in itself, is not power. Knowledge applied is power. Knowing my life-purpose path was only the first step. Just knowing your life purpose path is not enough, you must act to live your true purpose in life.
Just three short and very happy years on, despite living through homelessness, two business collapses, and unprecedented global disruption, as a family we are fulfilled and content. I am living my life-purpose path, and so are my husband and both our boys living theirs, together with our guardian angels.
How did I do it?
I started living my true life purpose together with Tressarn, my guardian angel, and everything changed.
I am sharing this with you so you can see that, it is never too late to find, follow and live your true purpose in life together with your guardian angel.

“It’s Like Channelling, Without Having To Channel.”
- Everyone who applies this unique method to receive life purpose guidance for their guardian angel.
Channel of Clarity Method works 100% of the time - even for women who have never channelled before
• Receive answers in a way you can understand and apply to your life for real-time results.
• Clear conversations with your guardian angel so you don’t have to wait and wonder if you’ll get an answer.
• Clear answers within moments of asking your question.
Quick and clear answers and guidance mean you can start living your life purpose without delay
• Revelations and epiphanies that would otherwise be hidden forever.
• Important messages about your life purpose.
• Real-time guidance with answers to every question.
The Channel of Clarity
Method Personal Program
Channel your Guardian Angel with this unique proven step-by-step method and find, follow and live your true life purpose
Even if you’ve never channelled before…
The Channel of Clarity Method:
“When You Connect, Communicate and Cocreate with Your Guardian Angel, Living Your Life Purpose Is Imminent and Guaranteed.”
• Connect with your guardian angel and discover your life purpose strengths and receive life purpose guidance
• Communicate with your guardian angel through a two-way communication channel so you can ask for and receive answers
• Cocreate together with your guardian angel so you can do what you love to do and live your true life purpose.
Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside This 100% Personal Program:
Stage 1
Discover Your Life Purpose Strengths
Your life purpose strengths reflect all of the things you are good at doing and being. They are the true remarkable you, the you that exists deep inside and that you may have hoped to be on the outside
Your guardian angel knows all of your unique life purpose strengths and how you can use them to live your true life purpose.
- Discover the remarkable truth of your greatest strengths, gifts, and talents
- Uncover the amazing potential you have
- Focus on doing what you love and naturally do best
- Maximise the life purpose guidance from your guardian angel

Here’s what’s included in Stage 1:
Reveal the remarkable truth of your greatest strengths, gifts, and talents and the amazing potential you have.
- 7 Exclusive Guardian Angel Life Purpose Meditations
- 7 Self Discovery Quizzes to Reveal Your Progress
- Exclusive Life Purpose Strength Trainings
- Your Guardian Angel Life Purpose Discovery Guide
- Life Purpose Guide Journals to Explore & Develop Your Inner, Relationship, Creative, Life’s Work & Freedom Strength with your Guardian Angel

Stage 2
Connect with Your Guardian Angel
Your connection with your guardian angel creates a bond between you that makes your life purpose guidance certain, clear and instantly validated.
You will establish a connection that opens the communication channel between you so guidance can flow naturally between you and your guardian angel.
Every word and each piece of life purpose guidance your guardian angel gives you, can be delivered when you are connected.
- Open the communication channel between you so guidance can flow naturally
- Create a connection with your guardian angel that feels natural
- Open yourself to receiving what your guardian angel is waiting to convey
- Guarantee their personal and detailed life purpose guidance arrives every time
Here’s what’s included in Stage 2:
Know, see, hear, feel togetherness with your guardian angel to receive their guidance, answers and messages.
- 4 Exclusive Guardian Angel Connection Meditations
- 4 Self Discovery Quizzes to Reveal Your Progress
- Exclusive Guardian Angel Connection Trainings
- Moments of Clarity with Simple Weekly Steps
- Guardian Angel Connection Journals to Explore & Develop Your Connection
Stage 3
Communicate with Your Guardian Angel
Your communication with your guardian angel is a two-way exchange through which life purpose guidance can be asked for and received.
Clear communication with your guardian angel is like having a direct line to important messages and guidance.
- Learn precisely how to communicate with your guardian angel
- Learn how to ask questions clearly, so you get the answers you seek
- Receive the clear messages and life purpose guidance you need to live your true purpose
- Allow their messages go beyond your questions to important matters you would never have thought to ask about

Here’s what’s included in Stage 3:
Share and exchange life purpose information through a two-way channel with your guardian angel.
- 4 Exclusive Guardian Angel Communication Meditations
- 4 Self Discovery Quizzes to Reveal Your Progress
- Communication Questions to Ask Your Guardian Angel
- Exclusive Guardian Angel Communication Trainings
- Moments of Clarity with Simple Weekly Steps
- Guardian Angel Communication Journals to Explore & Develop Your Communication Channels

Stage 4
Co-Create with Your Guardian Angel
Your co-creative life with your guardian angel is living the reality of doing life together.
When you co-create with your guardian angel you find contentment and ease of experiencing the things your heart desires.
- Receive constant help to do all the things you would like to do
- Allow the energy of your entire life purpose to flow through you and all that you do
- Make your life together with your guardian angel - peacefully and smoothly
- Let your guardian angel guide you with clear messages and simple to understand direction every step of the way, as they are right by your side
- Co-create with your guardian angel - it's is the only way for your true life purpose to become your living reality
Here’s what’s included in Stage 4:
Live your glorious life purpose reality by doing life together with your guardian angel.
- 4 Exclusive Guardian Angel Cocreation Meditations
- 4 Self Discovery Quizzes to Reveal Your Progress
- Co-creation Questions to Ask Your Guardian Angel
- Exclusive Guardian Angel Co-creation Trainings
- Moments of Clarity with Simple Weekly Steps
- Guardian Angel Co-creation Journals to Live Your True Life Purpose Journey Together
Channel of Clarity Method Personal Program Is for You If...
- You’re ready to receive answers and guidance from your guardian angel
- You’re passionate about living the life you came here to live
- You can make time to sit back and listen to guided meditations
- You’re willing to put in time into self-discovery journaling
- You are committed to a guided path to channelling, receiving guidance living life together with your guardian angel.
This Is NOT for You If...
- You’re expecting a magic pill to life purpose mastery. I can’t promise that.
- You expect results without putting in the effort. You have to be passionate about discovering your life together with your guardian angel and be willing to put in the time to follow the method
Here Are The Questions I Am Most Frequently Asked:
"Do I have a guardian angel?"
Yes. You do have a guardian angel.
Clients have told me that before they began the program they secretly worried they might be the only person in the world without a guardian angel. People often feel this uncertainty, because of deep-seated feelings of inadequacy, often feeling they are not enough.
If we’ve felt humiliated or rejected in the past, we can want to prepare ourselves for what we consider to be the inevitable fail. Doubt is a natural experience when you find yourself at the edge of the unknown.
I promise you, you have a guardian angel. And a guardian angel that exists purely to support and guide you along your life purpose path.
Your guardian angel is the most empowering, positive, and natural guide to learning how to live your true glorious life purpose
"Can anyone channel?"
Yes - and here's why...
Anyone can channel their guardian angel with the Channel of Clarity method because it is a clear step-by-step method and it’s a clearly explained technique that you learn.
Before Tressarn gave me the Channel of Clarity method I would have hesitated to answer this question.
Now that I have successfully mentored, coached and trained so many clients from all walks of life, backgrounds and different learning styles I can confidently say yes - anyone can channel with the Channel of Clarity method.
"How long does it take to get results?"
First of all, let me say that I am a firm believer in all of us being on our own spiritual path.
Right from the beginning of the program, I take time to explain and emphasise that you are on your own spiritual journey. There’s no such thing as a better spiritual journey or the best spiritual journey. There is only your spiritual journey. Incredible transformations are possible in this program and they will all happen along a timeline that is perfect for you.
Some clients get their first clearly channelled message after just a few weeks. Some clients get their answers after a few months. This method works even if you’ve never channelled before in a timeline that is perfect for you.
"How much time do I realistically need to put in?"
For the most rapid and very best results, I recommend 30 minutes a day up to 5 times a week - at any time of day.
If you miss a day it’s fine. The joy of this program is that if you can find time to sit back and relax and listen to your meditation, you’ll make incredible progress.
Some clients even listen to the meditations to fall asleep as part of their weekly listens :) What’s not to like?!
"What will keep me going through the program - keep me on track?"
I thought a lot about this!
I believe we all benefit from accountability - but not pressure!
So all the way through the program, as well as the online trainings, you’ll receive a weekly 2-minute video from me. It’s a lovely focus for the week - a small thing you can do as part of your everyday life.
You’ll also receive an email from me when your new meditation is ready for you. All nice and gentle but organised so you always know where you are.
"Is there a community?"
Again, this is something I thought a lot about and asked clients about.
There is no Facebook community in our programs.
There are a few client-based reasons for this.
Clients fed back that they found Facebook groups made them feel a mixture of pressure to contribute but feeling they didn’t know quite what to say.
They also very honestly confided that they slipped into comparing themselves with others and sometimes felt threatened by strong characters who tended to dominate.
Let me be clear, no community does not mean no support!
We’re always here for you at [email protected]. We often reply immediately unless we’re asleep (!) in which case you’ll hear within 24 hours.
We will answer any questions you might have along the way and there’s no such thing as a silly question!
"Am I accountable to anyone?"
This is a personal program and it’s been designed to be for just you.
You’ll be gently supported in all the ways I have explained - and we’re always here for you at channelofclarity.com.
We’ll support you and help you at any point you need us, but it’s your beautiful personal space to develop in your own way on your terms privately without interruption or pressure.
"Can men join this program?"
The short answer is 100% Yes!
I am often asked this question as my Channel of Clarity book with Tressarn has been written from my experience as a woman for other women. But I am also a loving wife to Eddie and love being a mum to our two sons and I love men.
Yes. It is for men too.
Once you’re inside our programs you’ll find I teach people - not men or women - but everyone đ
The Channel of Clarity method isn’t based on mysterious and fuzzy teachings..
Instead, it is based on a proven step-by-step method that’s helping hundreds of women to connect with their guardian angel so they can live their true life purpose.
Women, from having no idea about guardian angels to literally channelling guidance and getting answers to every question.
Because The Channel of Clarity method works even if you’ve never channelled before.
It works even if you’ve never connected with your guardian angel before.
This is exactly the same method I share with my mentored clients - they pay $10,000.
But when I chose to package my system into a course that anyone could follow, at their own pace, I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.
And that’s why you can get instant access to the
Channel of Clarity Method Personal Program
for one payment of $999
or 12 x Monthly Payments of just $99
Free From Self Sabotage
Gina had spent many years and countless dollars on different types of therapy.
She put in the work to heal from the trauma of her past and wanted to finally move forwards positively with her life.
Gina was living life with suffocating unresolved trauma and constant self criticism and negative thinking that held her back.
Simply by listening to her personal meditations, Gina successfully moved forward with her life purpose path,
Gina’s negative thinking ceased entirely and made way for some of the most effective and positive communication I have ever witnessed between a client and a guardian angel.
From Totally Lost to Calm and Clear
Clare came to me having just made huge changes in her personal and work life. She recently quit her highly successful corporate career due to physical and emotional burnout.
First Week Breakthrough
Maria had a history of starting but not finishing things. She was a self-confessed shiny object addict.
Maria had a trail of unfinished creative projects and incomplete ideas throughout her life that eroded her self-confidence. She doubted her ability to make lasting changes in her life.
Within the first week of Channel of Clarity, she had a major breakthrough and discovered exactly why she didn’t finish things.
Within the first month, she created almost half of a creative project and found energy was pouring into every area of her life.
Within three months of starting Channel of Clarity, despite work and family commitments, her first creative project was in final production and was even receiving commercial interest.

Here's My Guarantee to You
It’s completely risk free.
I’m giving you a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of Channel of Clarity Method Personal Program today.
If you don’t love it in the first 30 days of your purchase, just email us at [email protected] and we’ll refund you immediately.
PLUS: If You Purchase
Channel of Clarity Personal Program
On This Page, You’ll
Also Get Free Access To:
Bonus #1
My Guardian Angel Channelling Journal
Important life purpose guidance from your guardian angel is important to record and journal.
That’s why I put together My Guardian Angel Channelling Journal so that you can record all of your guardian angel’s guidance and messages.
In it, you’ll find to record your first 20 messages and more journal pages to gather every single precious message.
This is the most effective way I know to ensure every important life purpose message from your guardian angel is collected in real-time.
Get My Guardian Angel Channeling Journal included today at no extra cost.

Bonus #2
101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel
The best life purpose questions result in the best life purpose answers.
That’s why I put together 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel, so that you can always get clear answers from your guardian angel.
In it, you’ll get access to 101 printable life purpose questions for your guardian angel.
This is the most effective way I know how to start getting answers from your guardian angel!
Get 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel included today at no extra cost.
So here’s what you’re getting with the
Channel of Clarity Personal Program today:
- Stage 1 - Discover Your Life Purpose Strengths - Reveals the remarkable truth of your greatest strengths, gifts, and talents
- Stage 2 - Connect with Your Guardian Angel - Creates a bond between you that makes your life purpose guidance crystal clear
- Stage 3 - Communicate with Your Guardian Angel - Your direct line to important messages and guidance
- Stage 4 - Co-Create with Your Guardian Angel - Find contentment and the ease of experiencing the things your heart desires.
- Bonus #1 - My Guardian Angel Channelling Journal - Record all of your guardian angel’s guidance and messages.
- Bonus #2 - 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel - The best life purpose questions result in the best life purpose answers.

the choice is yours...
12-Month Personal Program
$999 One Payment
Single Payment - Lifetime Access
- I'll Tell You Your Guardian Angel's Unique Name and Meaning
- I'll Tell You Your Unique Life Purpose Strengths and Colours
- I'll Create Your Guardian Angel PortraitÂ
- Discover Your Life Purpose StrengthsÂ
- Connect with Your Guardian Angel
- Communicate with Your Guardian Angel
- Co-Create with Your Guardian Angel
- BONUS #1Â My Guardian Angel Channelling JournalÂ
- BONUS #2Â 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel
- 30 Day Risk-Free Guarantee
12-Month Personal Program
$99 x 12 Months
12 x Monthly Payments - Lifetime Access
- Discover Your Life Purpose Strengths
- Connect with Your Guardian Angel
- Communicate with Your Guardian Angel
- Co-Create with Your Guardian Angel
- BONUS #1 My Guardian Angel Channelling Journal
- BONUS #2 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel
- 30 Day Risk-Free Guarantee
If you learn how to channel your guardian angel, you can start receiving clear guidance that will guide you all the way to live your true purpose in life.
Imagine a year from today...
Imagine a year from today when asking your guardian angel important questions and getting instant answers back is second nature. Living life together with your guardian every day and simply following their guidance to create the life you love - step-by-step.
Imagine receiving clear instructions from your guardian angel about each step and being shown exactly what to do next for the best outcome.
That’s the power of channelling your guardian angel and that’s what I teach inside of Channel of Clarity Method Personal Program.
You can do this - I’m proof that it’s possible and I’m here to coach you every step of the way!
Join Channel of Clarity
Method Personal Program today
and let’s get you onto your true life purpose path!
12-Month Personal Program
$999 One Payment
Single Payment - Lifetime Access
- I'll Tell You Your Guardian Angel's Unique Name and Meaning
- I'll Tell You Your Unique Life Purpose Strengths and Colours
- I'll Create Your Guardian Angel Portrait
- Discover Your Life Purpose StrengthsÂ
- Connect with Your Guardian Angel
- Communicate with Your Guardian Angel
- Co-Create with Your Guardian Angel
- BONUS #1Â My Guardian Angel Channelling JournalÂ
- BONUS #2Â 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel
- 30 Day Risk-Free Guarantee
12-Month Personal Program
$99 x 12 Months
12 x Monthly Payments - Lifetime Access
- Discover Your Life Purpose Strengths
- Connect with Your Guardian Angel
- Communicate with Your Guardian Angel
- Co-Create with Your Guardian Angel
- BONUS #1 My Guardian Angel Channelling Journal
- BONUS #2 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel
- 30 Day Risk-Free Guarantee
Here’s a recap of this page for you:
Just 3 years ago, despite knowing my purpose in life I had turned my back on it and the result was disastrous. The moment I chose to live my true life purpose with the Channel of Clarity method together with Tressarn my guardian angel …everything changed.
Tressarn and I have developed the Channel of Clarity method to show women how to channel their guardian angels so they find, follow and live their true purpose in life.
For $999 you can get the full method inside the Channel of Clarity Personal Program that teaches you how to channel your guardian angel so you can find, follow and live your true purpose in life with your guardian angel
Also, if you buy the program on this page, I’ll include 2 extra bonuses:
My Guardian Angel Channelling Journal
Important life purpose guidance from your guardian angel is important to record and journal. That’s why I created this special journal for you so that you can record all of your guardian angel’s guidance and messages.
101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel
The best life purpose questions result in the best life purpose answers from your guardian angel. That’s why I put together 101 Life Purpose Questions for My Guardian Angel, so that you can always get clear answers from your guardian angel.

P.S. Don’t forget that when you join Channel of Clarity Method Personal Program you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 30 days to watch the course, implement the strategies in your own life, and take action on all that you learned and THEN decide if it’s right for you.
P.P.S. Trust me when I say, once you’ve had a taste of channelling your guardian angel and getting direct life purpose guidance you’ll never want to go back!
I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something that might fail. I literally needed to lose my home and have 2 businesses fold to give me the push I needed to live my true purpose in life.
That was scary! And I don’t wish that experience on you.
Do your future self a favour and be brave. Invest in yourself, get the program that is guaranteed and proven, and channel your guardian angel so you can live your true purpose in life. Your life will never be the same!
See you on the inside,
Ros & Tressarn xx
Copyright © 2023 Ros Place All Rights Reserved